List of products by brand Better Bodies
Better Bodies is considered to be a fitness lifestyle clothing and is specifically designed for women who attach great importance to their appearance and have a very high level of fitness clothing for women available in commerce. The style Better Bodies is a pure fitness and a “must have” for individual women. The company Better Bodies, fondée en Suède, attaches a great importance to designs individual and modern, with a high quality finish and a great functionality for the production of two fitness clothes for women.
Speaking of Corps best
Our vision is to create the products for the athlete series in the domain of fitness and fitness. The athlete who saves himself an athlete in good health needs the names of the hours of singing, sueur and loud noises! The sportifs qui connaissent et apprécient la sensation de douleur qu'il faut surmonter pour obtenir des résultats ! The athletes live their style in Better Bodies!
Debuted in 1980, Better Bodies was written by Brian Moss, a “gourou du fitness” based in New York. Better Bodies debuts at the age of mannequins for fitness mannequins and brings together a great success and a great reputation among États-Unis. The T-shirts with the logo "Better Bodies" are on the products with the title of promotion and the demand for the clothes Better Bodies is created - a small collection that is created by the demand of the consumers!
Aujourd'hui, Better Bodies is one of the major brands of the fitness industry and fitness in the world! Swedish Fitness Trading AB is the société derrière Better Bodies, a company with plus de 20 years of experience and excellent resources worked in the development, the conception, the marketing, the sales and the distribution in plus pays.
The high quality, the fonctionnalité and the design have a great impact on the physical condition of the athletes and their exigences in the matière of clothing, pendant les trainings intensive and in the vie quotidienne, combinés à une énorme demande des consommateurs font de Better Bodies un succès.
The importance of our products is what inspires and offers the style of Better Bodies!