Punching Bags
Leone Sport Saturno Vintage Bowling Pin Heavy Bag ATB01
Leone Sport Lucifero Vintage Taurus punching bag 95kg ATU01
Leone Sport Atlante Vintage Wrecking Punching Bag Ball ATW01
Weight and size of hanging punching bags
The weight of punching bags usually ranges from 30 kg to 100 kg. Heavier and lighter versions are also available, although these are sold less frequently. The weight is particularly important for hanging punching bags because it determines the swinging behavior.
The problem with choosing the weight is that a punching bag that is too light fluctuates a lot with hard punches or kicks, and this makes efficient technique training difficult, especially for inexperienced boxers: You hardly learn how to throw the right punches because the punching bag is constantly swinging back and forth. However, if the punching bag is too heavy, the punch feedback is not realistic and it feels more like you are hitting a wall.
In general, beginners and amateur boxers should use a guideline for the weight of a punching bag of 40% to 50% of their own body weight. For professional boxers with correspondingly high punching power, the weight of the punching bag can sometimes be 60% to 70% of their own body weight.
The size or length of the boxing bag depends primarily on which techniques you want to practice. If you only want to practice striking techniques, then a punching bag of 100 cm to 120 cm is usually sufficient. When hanging the punching bag, just make sure that it hangs in the middle at chest height so that you have enough room both above and below to deliver the appropriate punches.
However, if you also want to work on your kicking techniques, the punching bag should be at least 150 cm tall. This way you can ensure that if you hang the punching bag in the middle at belly button height, it offers enough surface area for punches and kicks.
The right brackets for ceiling and wall
As already described at the beginning, a hanging punching bag is usually hung on a special ceiling bracket for punching bags or on a right-angled wall bracket for punching bags. Which type of bracket you choose depends on two important questions: How much space do you have and how do you want to train?
If you have a lot of space available, the ceiling bracket is a good option. This offers the advantage that you can do so-called 360° training or the punching bag can be additionally stabilized by a partner. A wall bracket does not offer this training advantage, but it also saves a lot of space because the punching bag is not hanging in the middle of the room.
In both cases, however, you have to grab a drill and anchor the corresponding bracket securely in the wall or ceiling with a few screws. In both cases, it is important that the structure is solid; i.e. not plasterboard or plywood.