Lose weight
Losing weight starts in the kitchen
"Abs are made in the kitchen" - I'm sure every fitness freak has heard this saying before.
"Abs are made in the kitchen" is a funny saying that emphasises what is a harsh reality for many athletes: sport and nutrition go hand in hand
There are two camps in the fitness sector
Some are thin and want to build muscle and others want to lose weight. Perhaps you remember exactly how you started back then. Your first visit to the gym, you were full of motivation and many things in the gym were still new and unfamiliar to you.
Surely you really got going with the exercises and could literally feel your belly fat melting away. But after a while you stop losing weight, your weight on the scales stagnates and your motivation to lose weight dwindles. This is what happens to many people every year who have set themselves weight loss goals and don't achieve them with exercise alone.
But our story goes even further!
Some are frustrated because they simply can't lose weight and stop exercising altogether. Then there are others who step up their training and reduce their calorie intake to a minimum.
Perhaps you have already experienced this yourself?
The body then goes into overdrive, your hands are constantly cold, you are tormented by hunger and quickly become irritable.
Of course, you see rapid weight loss successes this way, weight is quickly lost on the scales and some people boast that they have lost 10kg in 2 weeks. After a while, the body sounds the alarm and goes into economy mode. This is very noticeable: loss of performance, tiredness and digestive problems are just some of the symptoms.
Lose weight quickly without starving yourself
Losing weight, fast and without hunger - this seems to be the holy grail of the fitness industry.
We'll be honest with you, it's not that complicated if you know how to lose weight properly. Everything with moderation and purpose - losing weight with pleasure is the motto.
One thing is particularly important to us: that you avoid extreme diets, especially as a fitness beginner. So please don't do 5-part training in combination with protein fasting! It can certainly work from a scientific point of view, but the real question is whether you can keep it up.
A diet must suit you and be feasible for you! You need a clear measure and a defined goal in mind.
A clear weight loss goal is important to keep you on track. A goal also helps to motivate you in the event of minor setbacks and your weight loss goal also determines your path to your desired weight.
But how do you set yourself the right weight loss goal?
What is realistic and do I prefer small goals?
We recommend that you set a big goal for your diet and break it down into smaller goals. This makes your main goal more tangible, gives you small milestones in your diet and keeps you motivated.
Lose weight by changing your diet and exercising
Do you have a clear goal in mind?
Very good, that's already a large part of your diet plan. Now you need to work out how much exercise and which dietary changes you need to make based on your goal. It is quite normal that you will have to diet less to lose 5kg than if you want to lose 25kg.
Now you have to find a diet that suits you: There are several ways to lose weight, many paths lead to your dream figure!
Whether it's Paleo, low-carb diets, Atkins, shake diets or intermediate fasting, the choice is yours. Find a diet that suits you and your life.
Thediet plan must be easy to implement and fit in with your everyday life. Also consider everyday situations, such as eating at the office. If you have to cook elaborate and fresh meals as part of your diet, this may clash with your job and you may end up cancelling the diet.
Therefore, go through your week in your mind and think about which form of weight loss suits you and how you can stay motivated during the diet.
Our tip:
The pros cook their food in advance and pack it in small tins. What works for the pros will surely work for you too! Make a plan and cook your meals in advance, this way there are no grey areas and you won't be so easily tempted. We have the right fitness bags, especially for the needs of athletes.