Improve health
What should be included in a healthy diet?
On the one hand, we have calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If you look a little "deeper", there are also vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. A closer look at proteins reveals that they can be different and consist of different amino acids.
There are also long-chain and short-chain variants of carbohydrates. Of course, we don't want to forget fat, as there are also different types that have different effects on the body.
If you now feel like you're in 7th grade biology class, don't worry, the grey theory is about to end. Your body has a certain basal metabolic rate and need for calories and nutrients. This also depends on your lifestyle, an office worker needs a different nutrient intake than a marathon runner.
You are what you eat
Three golden rules
There are countless diets and nutrition plans, but you should always pay attention to the following points:
Eat lots of vegetables - Vegetables are never wrong, they have lots of vitamins and minerals and only a few calories.
Consume less sugar - Sugar can have many negative effects on your health in the long term. Sugar also has a lot of calories and no vitamins or minerals.
Balance - Very one-sided diets or nutrition plans can lead to deficiency symptoms and jeopardise your health.