Boxing gloves for beginners
copy of Phantom Boxhandschuhe Muay Thai Schwarz
copy of Phantom Boxhandschuhe Muay Thai Schwarz
Boxing gloves for beginners - the perfect choice for getting into martial arts
Do you want to get into martial arts and are looking for the right equipment? Then Vikingstore is the right place for you! In our category "Boxing gloves for beginners" you will find a large selection of high-quality synthetic leather boxing gloves that are especially suitable for beginners.
As a beginner in martial arts, it is important that you slowly get used to the intensity of the training. We therefore recommend that you train 1 to 2 times a week at most and gradually increase the intensity. Our boxing gloves for beginners are precisely tailored to these needs and offer you optimum protection for your hands and wrists.
Our boxing gloves for beginners are available in different ounces (weight) so that you can choose the right boxing gloves for you. The number of ounces indicates the weight of the gloves. The higher the number of ounces, the heavier (more foam layers protect the hand) and larger the gloves are.
We recommend for beginners:
Children: 6 to 8 OZ
Women: 10 OZ or 10 M OZ if you have very small hands
On the bag: bag gloves
Training with the instructor, technique and prat training: 10 OZ
Sparring: 12 to 14 OZ
Heavyweight boxers: 16 OZ to 18 OZ
Don't hesitate to ask your coach for advice if you are unsure.
Some of our boxing gloves for beginners are equipped with extra padding to provide additional protection for your wrists and knuckles. The workmanship of our boxing gloves is also of a particularly high quality so that you can enjoy your equipment for a long time.
If you are a beginner in martial arts and are looking for boxing gloves, then Vikingstore is the right place for you. We offer you a large selection of high-quality boxing gloves for beginners that are specially tailored to your needs. Convince yourself of our quality and order today or visit one of our shops.