List of products by brand BIOTECH USA
BioTech USA
Dietary supplements are a great addition to intensive muscle training, because your body needs sufficient nutrients and vitamins to get in shape. You can achieve your goals much faster if you support your body sufficiently. BioTech USA supplements offer you all the options, because there is a very large selection and variety of products.
The BioTech USA brand
BioTech USA was founded in 1999 and produces high-quality nutritional supplements. The brand places great value on a very large selection so that every athlete can be offered the best possible training supplement. The products are constantly optimized by evaluating consumer feedback. The development of new products and further development of existing items is constantly being pushed forward.
With a large presence on the European market, BioTech USA is one of the largest and most dynamic manufacturers of nutritional supplements for athletes. The products not only help bodybuilders and very active athletes, but also anyone else who cares about a healthy and fit body.
The product range
With a large selection of carbohydrate and protein powders, you are guaranteed to find the right thing for you. The powders accelerate your muscle building and thus optimally support your training. Pre-workout recipes help you to optimally prepare your body for the following training and the high level of exertion. This means you feel better during training and can last longer. Endurance-enhancing products are also offered.
There is something for everyone in the BioTech USA product range, whether you want to build muscle, increase your endurance or lose fat.
To increase endurance, the brand offers vasodilating products such as arginine preparations or BioTech USA AAKG Elite. But BioTech USA also offers nutritional supplements for that certain energy boost with caffeine and arginine.
The brand also places great emphasis on balance. In addition to increasing muscle and endurance, you will find supplements that compensate for deficiencies in the body. Trace elements, for example, support protein formation and the immune system. Vitamins also strengthen your immune system and ensure healthy bone stability. Omega 3 preparations, which are cholesterol-free fatty acids, optimize your heart health and eyesight.
Products such as BioTech USA Carni Elite are suitable for supporting fat loss. The high concentration of the amino acid L-carnitine increases fat metabolism and thus contributes to fat reduction.
It is also important to pay attention to the promotion and support of the joints. Because nothing is worse than worn and broken joints and bones. That is why BioTech USA has products with glucosamine. This is an amino acid that is important for the formation of synovial fluid.
After training or a strenuous day, your body needs time to relax and regenerate at night. Because only if you have slept well and recovered can you start the next day with strength and motivation. The brand also offers products such as BioTech USA Destress or Sleep Pre-Melatonin. They are made up of natural plant extracts and amino acids and help your body relax.
Are you vegetarian, vegan or gluten or lactose intolerant?
That's no problem either, because with rice proteins, BioTech USA ensures that people with special intolerances or eating habits can also enjoy the specific nutritional supplements for athletes.
Production and quality
The products are manufactured in Hungary and are available across the entire European market. They are characterized by very good quality due to the use of the best raw materials and are popular in sports circles. Everything the brand offers reflects the motto: "Health is the greatest wealth". BioTech USA's aim is to promote sport and a healthy lifestyle, because your health is very valuable and should not be neglected.
All products are made from harmless, doping-free and carefully selected ingredients that do not contain any prohibited substances. It goes without saying that the preparations comply with all the necessary guidelines. This ensures absolute safety.
If you are looking for a wide range of products that will optimally support you on your way to your dream figure and more fitness, then BioTech USA products are the best choice for you. Even if you don't do much sport but still pay attention to your health, you will find many ways to support your body well here.