Vitamins are nutrients that are essential for your body and your health. Whether vitamin D, vitamin B12 or vitamin C - they are needed for vital functions and must be taken in through the diet. However, this is very difficult nowadays, which often results in a vitamin deficiency. In our shop you will find all the important vitamins in powder or tablet form so that your body is always adequately supplied.
Which vitamins do I need?
Vitamins are among the basic building blocks of the human body. They support the immune system, protect us from harmful substances and many other diseases. We absorb the majority of these vitamins through our food, but vitamin D, vitamin B12 or vitamin C deficiencies often occur.
You can often recognise a deficiency by these signs:
Vitamin D:
- Frequent illness
- Permanent exhaustion or fatigue
- Depressive moods
- Muscle pain
- Hair loss
- Back pain
Vitamin B12:
- Fatigue
- Pallor
- Feeling of weakness in the body
- Difficulty concentrating
Vitamin C:
- increased susceptibility to infections
- Fatigue
- Fatigue
- Bleeding gums
Vitamins in food
To lay a good foundation for our vitamins, you must of course eat a healthy diet. You should include the following foods in your diet, as they are particularly rich in vitamins:
Vitamin B12:
- Meat
- Liver
- Egg
- Fish
- Dairy products
Vitamin C:
- Blackcurrant
- Sea buckthorn
- Paprika
- Citrus fruits
Vitamin D is a speciality. This is produced by the body itself with the help of UV radiation on the skin. However, as UV radiation is limited in winter, it is advisable to take vitamin D regularly to prevent vitamin deficiency. In addition, vitamin D can only be absorbed to a limited extent through our food. It is therefore often recommended to take vitamin D as a supplement.