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Your daily nutrient boost with Critical Greens from Applied Your daily nutrient boost with Critical Greens from Applied 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Critical Greens 250g Applied Nutrition

Applied Nutrition
- The ultimate greens mix - Use it in conjunction with your daily meals - 17 Super Greens ingredients - Suitable for vegetarians and vegans - Halal certified
Coenzyme Q10 from BioTech USA: Natural and effective Coenzyme Q10 from BioTech USA: Natural and effective 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Bio Tech USA Q10 Coenzyme

Our coenzyme Q10 capsules contain a high quality of natural Q10, which promotes your energy production in the cellular power plants. With 100mg Q10 per capsule, you can cover your needs and increase your physical performance. Your vitality is supported by the natural sources of this food supplement to accompany you in your active lifestyle.
Strengthen your immune system: Buy Bio Tech USA vitamin D3 & get started Strengthen your immune system: Buy Bio Tech USA vitamin D3 & get started 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Bio Tech USA Vitamin D3 60 Stk

- Vitamin D3 from Bio Tech USA - 2,000 UI per tablet - High dosage - promotes a healthy immune system - Ideal in the low-sun season - 100% vegan - Plays an important role in numerous physiological functions
Bio Tech Usa: Strengthen liver function with milk thistle Bio Tech Usa: Strengthen liver function with milk thistle 2
  • Online only
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Bio Tech USA Liver Aid 60 Stk

Dietary supplement in tablet form with milk thistle fruit extract, plant extracts, choline for normal liver function as well as amino acids, vitamins and minerals. - With choline to maintain normal liver function - With 8 plant extracts, - 2amino acids, - vitamins and selenium. - One pack is sufficient for one month
BioTech USA B-Complex: The ultimate vitamin B booster for athletes BioTech USA B-Complex: The ultimate vitamin B booster for athletes 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Bio Tech USA Vitamin B Complex

60 Vitamintabletten Mit Antioxidantien Und Kräutern
BioTech USA Vitamin C 1000: Power boost for your immune system and more! BioTech USA Vitamin C 1000: Power boost for your immune system and more! 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Bio Tech USA Vitamin C 1000

100 Vitamintabletten Gepuffertes Vitamin C Für Ein Starkes Immunsystem
Strong muscles and bones thanks to vitamin D3 + K2 - Body Attack Strong muscles and bones thanks to vitamin D3 + K2 - Body Attack 2
  • New
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days
Immune system

Body Attack Vitamin D3 + K2 30pcs

Body Attack
With our high-dose vitamin D3 + K2 capsules, you can bring the power of the sun directly into your home - for a strong immune system and healthy bones! This perfect combination not only supports your muscles during intensive workouts, but also helps to maintain your dental health. - Vitamin D3 + K2 is the best choice for supporting the following...
Strengthen your immune system with Burgerstein ImmunVital Strengthen your immune system with Burgerstein ImmunVital 2
Delivery time 3 - 5 working days
Immune system

Burgerstein Immunvital 20 sachets

Burgerstein Vitamine
Produktinformationen "Burgerstein Immunvital (20 Beutel)" Burgerstein ImmunVital ist ein wohlschmeckender Holunderbeeren-Saft mit Vitaminen, Spurenelementen und Beta-Glucan aus Hefe (Wellmune®). Wann wird Burgerstein ImmunVital angewendet? Für alle Personen die ihr Immunsystem unterstützen wollen. Für die ganze Familie.
Burgerstein Hair&Nails: Strong hair thanks to millet extract Burgerstein Hair&Nails: Strong hair thanks to millet extract 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Burgerstein Hair&Nails 90 pcs

Burgerstein Vitamine
Produktinformationen "Burgerstein Hair&Nails (90 Tabs)" Die Rezeptur von Burgerstein hair&nails ist speziell für den Aufbau und die Pflege von Haaren und Nägeln entwickelt worden. Neun Aktivstoffe unterstützen gezielt den Stoffwechsel von Haaren und Nägeln, verbessern deren Qualität und begünstigen die Reparaturprozesse.Burgerstein...
Burgerstein: Your companion during pregnancy and breastfeeding Burgerstein: Your companion during pregnancy and breastfeeding 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Burgerstein Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit 100 Stk

Burgerstein Vitamine
Produktinformationen "Burgerstein Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit (100 Tabs)" Wann wird Burgerstein Schwangerschaft & Stillzeit angewendet? Zur Kompensation des erhöhten Bedarfs der Mutter in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit Fördert die gesunde Entwicklung des Kindes im Mutterleib und via Muttermilch während der Stillzeit Unterstützt einen...
Burgerstein Sun: Protect your skin in the sun Burgerstein Sun: Protect your skin in the sun 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Burgerstein Sun 30 pcs

Burgerstein Vitamine
Produktinformationen "Burgerstein Sun (30 Caps)" Wann wird Burgerstein sun angewendet? Ob im Beruf, während der Freizeit oder bei generell empfindlicher Haut: die regelmässige Sonneneinwirkung erfordert von uns allen den bestmöglichen Schutz. Burgerstein sun bietet die ideale Vorbereitung auf die Sonnenexposition: verringert die durch UV-Strahlen...
Burgerstein Vitamin C Complex: Your immune system booster Burgerstein Vitamin C Complex: Your immune system booster 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Burgerstein Vitamin C Complex 120 Capsules

Burgerstein Vitamine
Produktinformationen "Burgerstein Vitamin C-Komplex (120 Tabs)" Wann wird Burgerstein Vitamin C-Komplex angewendet Enthält nicht nur Vitamin C, sondern auch natürliche, bioaktive Pflanzenstoffe (Bioflavonoide für die Erhaltung von gesunden Blutgefässen (Venen, Kapillaren, Arterien) für alle bekannten Einsatzgebiete von Vitamin C
Energy and nerves: Buy Burgerstein B-Complex Energy and nerves: Buy Burgerstein B-Complex 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Burgerstein B-Complex 100 Capsules

Burgerstein Vitamine
Produktinformationen "Burgerstein B-Komplex (100 Tabs)" Wann wird Burgerstein B-Komplex angewendet? Burgerstein B-Komplex kann in allen Situationen empfohlen werden, in denen gute Nerven und Energie gefragt sind Bei hohen Anforderungen in Beruf und Alltag, vor allem in Stress-Situationen Bei Energielosigkeit und Müdigkeit, zur Unterstützung des...
Achieve your best form with Burgerstein Sport! Achieve your best form with Burgerstein Sport! 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Burgerstein Sport 120 Stk

Burgerstein Vitamine
Produktinformationen "Burgerstein Sport (120 Tabs)" Wann wird Burgerstein Sport angewendet? Zur Kompensation des erhöhten Mikronährstoffbedarfs im Sport bei einem gesteigerten Stoffwechsel Ermöglicht ein optimales Ausschöpfen der eigenen Leistungskapazität Neutralisiert überschüssige freie Radikale, die beim erhöhten Sauerstoffumsatz des...
GN Laboratories: Vitamin B12 and folate for top performance GN Laboratories: Vitamin B12 and folate for top performance 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

GN Laboratories Vitamin B12 Complex 120 Stk

GN Genetic Nutrition Laboratories
- To cover the increased vitamin B12 requirement - Can counteract a widespread deficiency of vitamin B12 and folate - Helpsto maintain energy and fat metabolism - Is essential for haematopoiesis - For the function of the nervous system - Contains biologically active folate - With 3...
OPC95 -Anti-Ox - Grape Seed Extract GN Laboratories buy online OPC95 -Anti-Ox - Grape Seed Extract GN Laboratories buy online 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

GN Laboratories OPC-Anti-Ox

GN Genetic Nutrition Laboratories
OPC GN contains a highly effective blend of antioxidants from natural sources that protect your body from the harmful effects of free radicals and whose antioxidant effects are 20 to 50 times greater than those of vitamin C and vitamin E! - Highly effective blend of natural antioxidants - Contains 366 mg OPC, which is 20 times more...
GN Laboratories Vitamin K2 60 Stk buy in the Swiss online shop GN Laboratories Vitamin K2 60 Stk buy in the Swiss online shop 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

GN Vitamin K2 60 Stk

GN Genetic Nutrition Laboratories
With our vitamin K2 capsules, you actively support the health of your bones and ensure that calcium ends up exactly where it belongs. This not only prevents osteoporosis, but also contributes to general vascular health - for a vital and active life! - Made in Germany - Promotes the maintenance of stable and resilient bones -...
Buy Nectar - Gods Rage  Multivitamin in our Vikingstore Buy Nectar - Gods Rage  Multivitamin in our Vikingstore 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days
Multivitamin is probably one of the most popular dietary supplements on the market. A supplement for a number of benefits, it's no wonder so many people take a multivitamin regularly. But here, as with so many other products, not all are equally good. Gods Rage wanted to do things differently, no low dosage and a multivitamin that stands out from the...
Vitamin D3 K2 drops 1000 I.U - Gods Rage buy in the swiss online shop Vitamin D3 K2 drops 1000 I.U - Gods Rage buy in the swiss online shop 2
  • Online only
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days
Vitamins D3 and K2 can positively influence your health and well-being through numerous effects. The immune system, teeth and bones and especially the muscles can benefit from a regular intake of the sun vitamin. - Numerous positive effects - Contains Vitamin K2Vital® from Kappa Bioscience - Highly dosed ingredients -...
Strengthen the immune system with vitamin D3 + K2 from Gods Rage Strengthen the immune system with vitamin D3 + K2 from Gods Rage 2
Delivery time 1- 3 working days
- Supports the maintenance of strong and stable bones - Promotes and improves the elasticity of your blood vessels - Promotes a healthy cardiovascular system - Promotes the maintenance of healthy muscle function - Both vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 are essential for promoting and maintaining healthy bones - Made in...
Vitamin D3 and K2: the perfect team for your well-being Vitamin D3 and K2: the perfect team for your well-being 2

IronMaxx D3 + K2 150Stk

With our high-quality vitamin D3 and K2 tablets from IronMaxx® you can strengthen your immune system and support your bone health - perfect for an active life! So you can concentrate fully on your sporting goals without having to worry about getting the right nutrients.
Olimp B12 Forte: Your boost for the protein metabolism Olimp B12 Forte: Your boost for the protein metabolism 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Olimp - B12 Forte Bio-Complex 30 Kapseln

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Olimp B12 Forte Bio-Complex contains the essential B vitamins for your body. Cobalamin, also known as vitamin B12, cannot be produced by the body itself. With the B12 Forte Bio-Complex from Olimp, you can expect a supplement that provides high doses of vitamin B12. It also contains vitamin B6 and iron for your protein metabolism. Just one capsule a day...
Vitamin C with 100 mg OPC: your daily energy boost from Peak Vitamin C with 100 mg OPC: your daily energy boost from Peak 2
Delivery time 1 - 3 working days

Peak Vitamin C 60 Capsules

Peak Sport
With 750 mg of vitamin C per capsule and 100 mg of grape seed extract, our product supports your energy metabolism and helps to reduce fatigue. Perfect for diet and stress phases, it also strengthens your immune system so that you feel fit all round! - 750 mg vitamin C per capsule - 100 mg grape seed extract (OPC) - Supports the...


Vitamins are nutrients that are essential for your body and your health. Whether vitamin D, vitamin B12 or vitamin C - they are needed for vital functions and must be taken in through the diet. However, this is very difficult nowadays, which often results in a vitamin deficiency. In our shop you will find all the important vitamins in powder or tablet form so that your body is always adequately supplied.

Which vitamins do I need?

Vitamins are among the basic building blocks of the human body. They support the immune system, protect us from harmful substances and many other diseases. We absorb the majority of these vitamins through our food, but vitamin D, vitamin B12 or vitamin C deficiencies often occur.

You can often recognise a deficiency by these signs:

Vitamin D:

- Frequent illness

- Permanent exhaustion or fatigue

- Depressive moods

- Muscle pain

- Hair loss

- Back pain

Vitamin B12:

- Fatigue

- Pallor

- Feeling of weakness in the body

- Difficulty concentrating

Vitamin C:

- increased susceptibility to infections

- Fatigue

- Fatigue

- Bleeding gums

Vitamins in food

To lay a good foundation for our vitamins, you must of course eat a healthy diet. You should include the following foods in your diet, as they are particularly rich in vitamins:

Vitamin B12:

- Meat

- Liver

- Egg

- Fish

- Dairy products

Vitamin C:

- Blackcurrant

- Sea buckthorn

- Paprika

- Citrus fruits

Vitamin D is a speciality. This is produced by the body itself with the help of UV radiation on the skin. However, as UV radiation is limited in winter, it is advisable to take vitamin D regularly to prevent vitamin deficiency. In addition, vitamin D can only be absorbed to a limited extent through our food. It is therefore often recommended to take vitamin D as a supplement.

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